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QCon San Francisco 2019 Recap
·921 words·5 mins
This was my first time attending QCon, and I was really impressed with the quality of the conference. I have been a long time consumer of content on InfoQ, so it was great to be there in person and meet more practitioners that are working on interesting problems.
Decisions: The Pursuit of Options
·76 words·1 min
The Talk # Back in June, I gave a talk at Cerner’s DevCon conference on decision making, called: Decisions: The Pursuit of Options. The talk has been published on YouTube for your viewing pleasure:
The Novelty Trap
·608 words·3 mins
This post is the second part of my series that breaks down my guide on decision making. I wanted to briefly share our natural tendency to favor novelty and how that can introduce challenges when assessing technology in our systems.
The Power of Murphy's Law
·844 words·4 mins
I recently built a guide on decision making, which included several different elements on how we form ideas and decisions. The purpose of this guide was to highlight common areas that typically cause strain on us humans when we are in the act of technical decision making.
Visualize Progress through Contrast
·1359 words·7 mins
Over the past few weeks, I have been on a hiatus from my normal work at Cerner. During this time, I have been working on several home repair and improvement projects.
Learning with Preschoolers
·1409 words·7 mins
Last week, I had the honor of attending a preschool class to share the topic of software development. In order to explain this subject matter, I decided to prepare a few items and have them paired with a theme.
Thank You Emails
·666 words·4 mins
Here is a short post on the importance of thanking people, and a common way I achieve this through email. This is also the final part of my trilogy on guidance with email (Email Trilogy blog series).
Drawing 101
·692 words·4 mins
I previously posted a set of design principles about building presentation slides. In this post, I shared how you can improve the effectiveness of your visual aides, by authoring your own images.
Think Twice Before Emailing
·605 words·3 mins
I previously posted a short set of notes of how I apply my simple process of digesting emails. However, I think there are some other important rules of when to produce email.
Design Principles of the pptx Language
·1969 words·10 mins
The pptx Language # A few months ago, I was speaking with a senior member of our engineering leadership team, and he stated that the only language he has been coding in lately, is pptx (referring to the file extension of Microsoft PowerPoint).