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blog series

Table of Contents

This is a collection of blogs that carried a similar theme, but were broken into individual posts.

Decision Making Album

  • Decisions: The Pursuit of Options: A talk which I go over the challenges of technical decision making and tactics that can be applied to improve them.
  • Power of Murphy’s Law: In this blog post, I share the power (the good and bad) of Murphy’s Law. We learn from failure, but we also don’t want to be blinded by it…like from this fire breathing unicorn.
  • Novelty Trap: In this post, I share our appeal to novelty and how it can affect our technology choices. Recognize the power novelty brings to learning, but don’t allow it to mask the costs of a choice.

Email Trilogy

Carl Chesser
Carl Chesser
lucky husband and father, software experimentalist, banjo apprentice, aspiring cartoonist, golden doodle whisperer