DevOpsDays KC 2024 Recap
·320 words·2 mins
DevOpsDays KC returned this week since 2019! It was awesome to see so many faces I hadn’t seen in years. It was a nice two days, at the Madrid Theathre, local food trucks for lunch, and great discussions.
Ground Truth
·1334 words·7 mins
I wanted to discuss a term that I found memorable recently: ground truth. It resonated with me when I first heard it, as I’m routinely in discussions where we are articulating technical problems and how we plan to solve them.
Habits through Preventional Goals
·1110 words·6 mins
Over the last year, I have found myself trying to establish new routines. With working more from home, I wanted to make subtle changes in different aspects in my life. For example, I previously used to enjoy podcasts on my drive to work.
KCDC 2021 Recap
·284 words·2 mins
These last two days were KCDC in Kansas City for me. This was my first in-person developer conference since late 2019. While there were still restrictions (wearing masks), it was a fantastic time to see people again.
Universal Diagrams
·820 words·4 mins
Diagraming is a powerful way of communicating ideas to others. In this past year, I have found how much I have missed the time of just working with a group and using a whiteboard to convey our ideas.